This section offers my original creations of electronic pipes and tobacco pipes that I have been creating with passion and enthusiasm since 2016. Creation, creativity, generate emotions that sometimes take me away from the strict codes of traditional pipes, but which open up new horizons and allow reasoned fantasies. The design of electronic pipes makes it possible to overcome the constraint of fire resistance linked to the combustion of tobacco, and therefore to use all essences, all materials, all assemblies. The use of ceramic or graphite for tobacco pipe bowls also allows me this diversity of choice of essences and opens up new perspectives.

Find here my tobacco pipes…
I mainly work with Briar and Olive wood, which are the most resistant woods to the bite of fire and offer an exceptional natural finish, but with the use of fireplace inserts in Briar, ceramic or graphite, all wood species become possible.
Find here my electronic pipes…
Built like Full Meca MODs, the brass switch is homemade and incorporates a magnetic spring for more flexibility of action.